Set Up Your Cell Phone
Cell phone plans can be expensive, and everyone wants to find cheap cell phone service. It can be especially impossible to find a cheap cell phone if you need a lot of minutes, or even unlimited minutes. However, instead of paying exorbitant costs for an unlimited cell, you can purchase one of several cheap cell phone plans and use Google Voice to get unlimited cell phone minutes
1. Get a My Faves Plan on your cell phone. My Faves Plans are available from T-Mobile, Alltel, and several other cell phone carriers. My Faves plans allow unlimited calls from up to five specific numbers. My Faves plans are available as part of other cheap cell phone plans from these carriers, so you should buy the cheapest plan you can that allows you to have a My Faves Account.
2. Sign up for Google Voice. While the service is in Beta, you have to request an invitation. The invitation will usually come pretty quickly, typically within ten days or so. When you sign up, you are assigned a phone number to call in order to make outgoing calls to others through the service. You are also given a phone number where people can call you. You can set the area code to this phone number as anything you want.
3. Set your Google Voice numbers as numbers on your My Fave Plan. If you do this, you will be able to make unlimited phone calls to your google voice number, and you will be able to receive unlimited phone calls from your google voice number.
4. Set up your google voice account to route calls to your cell phone, and then ask people to call you on that number instead of your cell phone. When someone calls your google voice number, that call will be automatically routed to your cell phone with the cheap cell phone service. It will show up as a MyFaves number, and you will be able to receive unlimited calls.
5. Use Google Voice to make outgoing calls from your cell phone. Your cell phone will be able to call the Google Voice number for an unlimited number of minutes, even with our cheap cell phone service, since you have the Google Voice number set as one of your MyFaves.
Tags: cell phone, cheap cell, cheap cell phone, Google Voice, will able, your google voice, calls from