If you are going to hear your phone's ring tone many times throughout the day, you might not want a tone that doesn't perfectly match your musical tastes. Rather than settle for a bland sound, instead pick an exciting and attention grabbing ring tone. Your Motorola cell phone lets you change your current ring tone in two different ways. The phone includes options to either change the general ring tone for all calls, or to set a specific ring tone for any of the phone numbers stored in your contacts list.
Change Ring Tone
1. Flip open the display screen if you have Motorola flip phone and tap the "Menu" key to access the phone's main menu. Scroll over to the "Settings" option and tap the "Select" key.
2. Select the "Personalize" option and choose the "Sound Settings" sub-menu. If your Motorola phone model doesn't list the "Personalize" option, instead choose "Sound and Display" and select the "Phone Ringtone" sub-menu.
3. Choose either "Ring Styles" or "Notification Ringtone," depending on the specific option listed in your Motorola phone model. Scroll down through the list of available ring tones and find the ring tone you want to use. Tap the "Select" key to set the current ring tone.
Change Specific Conctact's Ring Tone
4. Tap the Motorola phone's "Menu" key to bring up the main menu and scroll to "Contacts." Some models list the entry as "Phone Book" instead. Tap "Select."
5. Navigate to the specific contact for which you want to change the ring tone and choose "Options." Select the "Edit" option and tap the "Select" key.
6. Choose the "Ringer ID" option and tap "Select." Scroll down to the ring tone you want to use for the selected contact and tap "Select" again to set the ring tone.
Tags: ring tone, Motorola phone, option Select, ring tone, choose Sound, current ring, current ring tone