Download Skype to an iTouch
While the iPod Touch, or "iTouch," looks similar to an iPhone, iTouch owners cannot make phone calls utilizing an iTouch. Skype is an application that gives users the ability to make non-phone voice calls via an Internet connection, allowing you to use your iTouch as a makeshift "phone" as long as the device is accessing a working Internet connection. As with other similar applications, or apps, the Skype application is downloaded via the iTunes or "App" Store.
Using iTunes
1. Visit the "Skype" Web page on the iTunes website. Click the "View in iTunes" button on the page. An iTunes "Launch Application" window opens. Click "OK" in this window. The iTunes program opens and the program automatically launches the iTunes Store. The Skype window opens inside the iTunes Store.
2. Click "Free App" underneath the "Skype" logo inside the iTunes window. A log-in window opens inside iTunes. Type in the iTunes log-in information for your account. Click "Get" and the Skype application downloads into the iTunes library.
3. Connect the iTouch device to the computer with an Apple iTouch cable. One end of the cable connects to the iTouch and the other end connects to a USB port on the computer.
4. Click the iTouch name or word "iTouch" on the left part of iTunes, located under the "Devices" option.
5. Click "Apps" at the top of the center iTunes pane. All of the downloaded apps, including the Skype app, appear inside the "Sync Apps" window located in the middle of iTunes.
6. Click the box next to the "Skype" app to check the box. Then click "Apply" inside the bottom-right part of iTunes. The Skype app is added to the iTouch.
Download onto iTouch
7. Turn the iTouch on.
8. Press the "App Store" icon on the iTouch screen. The App Store opens.
9. Press "Search" at the bottom of the App Store screen. Type "Skype" at the top of the App Store "Search" box. Press "Search" at the bottom of the screen. Numerous options appear on the screen.
10. Select the "Skype" application (the "Skype" app at the top of the screen). The main screen for the Skype app opens.
11. Press "Free" to the right of the "Skype" logo at the top of the screen. The button changes to "Install." Press "Install." An iTunes Password window opens. Enter your iTunes account password. Press "OK" to download Skype to the iTouch.
Tags: Skype application, window opens, inside iTunes, iTunes Store, Download Skype, Internet connection