Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Unlock A Pantech Phone

All Pantech phones use unlock codes to lift the restrictions on using SIM cards from other cellular service providers. The issuing network uploads a code that restricts the phone's ability to use SIM cards from other companies before selling the handset. The unlock code removes this restriction and permits the client to use the handset with any company. Many networks will tell you the unlock code, or subsidy password, if you call customer service.


1. Enter *#06# to display the Pantech's unique IMEI number. This is the 15-digit code that identifies your particular device and is required to generate a working unlock code.

2. Contact customer support at your cellular service provider. Tell them that you would like to unlock the phone for use with other SIM cards. Most companies will give you the code if you have been a client for at least three months and your account is in good standing.

3. Enter *#865625# on the Pantech phone to enter the unlock menu.

4. Press "OK" to accept the terms. The message is to inform you that you have only five attempts to enter the code correctly or the phone will be blocked and rendered useless.

5. Enter the unlock code issued by the customer service department and press "OK." Confirm the code by entering it a second time and the phone automatically unlocks for use on other networks.

Tags: unlock code, cards from, cards from other, cellular service, code that, customer service, from other