Sim cards are tiny discs that store all personal data contained in your cell phone. If two cell phones have the same phone service, you can easily switch the sim cards. All you need is a little understanding of disband your cell phone and replace the sim cards.
1. Find out if your cell phone is locked or unlocked. If it is unlocked, it will be easy to change the sim card as your cell phone can work with any phone service provider. Turn off the cell phone before switching the sim card.
2. Remove the outer covering of the phone by applying pressure with your finger tips on the small arrow pointing downwards on the back cover.
3. Pick up the battery and keep it aside. Using your fingertips, carefully slide out the sim card. Put the other sim card in its place. Replace the battery and the cover.
4. Turn on the cell phone to check if it works. If the cell phone is unable to display your information, double check to see that you have placed the sim card in the right direction.
5. Contact your cell phone company if your phone is locked and you are unable to switch the sim cards. If you are not ready to break the contract and only want to change the sim cards, the company will be happy to oblige. Otherwise take your cell phone to a private cell phone provider and pay to have the phone unlocked.
6. Take a different approach to switch sim cards if your phone is locked. Get in touch with a reliable online phone dealer who will use the unique IMEI number (International Mobile Equipment Identity) of your cell phone to break the code. This will let you unlock the device yourself. Follow Steps 2 and 3 once you unlock the phone.
Tags: cell phone, your cell, your cell phone, phone locked, phone service, switch cards