Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Create Ringtones From Mp3

Create ringtones from MP3 files.

Most cell phones nowadays support MP3 ringtones, which is extremely advantageous for users because now they can use their music files as ringtones on their cell phones. In order to do so, though, you must first create a ringtone from the MP3. With the appropriate software, you can do this directly on your computer and then transfer the ringtone to your cell phone via the transfer method of your choice.


1. Open your audio editor, and open the MP3 of which you want to create a ringtone within the audio editor. Click "Open." Browse to the location on your computer hard drive where the MP3 is located. Click on the MP3 to select it. Click "Open" to open it.

2. Select the section of the MP3 that you want to use as your ringtone. Click on the image of MP3 to set the beginning and ending markers around the section.

3. Use the "Cut" tool to cut away the sections around the section you want to use as your ringtone, leaving only the clip you want to use as your ringtone behind. Save your ringtone, which you can now transfer to your cell phone.

Tags: your ringtone, want your, want your ringtone, around section, audio editor