Nokia uses approved industry standards for its memory card functionality. It uses microSD and microSDHC cards in its phones. The cards are transferable between devices although some phones may not have the ability to use the microSDHC cards which have greater capacity. All the phones that can read a microSDHC card will be able to read a microSD card, but not necessarily the other way around. But, your music files in MP3 format, or your images in JPEG, plus many other file formats, will be viewable in any phone that can read your type of card.
1. Press the power key on the old phone and select "Remove memory card", which will come up on the display.
2. Select "Yes" when "Removing memory card will close all open applications. Remove anyway?" is displayed. All the applications will close. Double check the phone has stopped accessing the card because that can damage the data.
3. Open the cover of the memory card slot on the old phone when "Remove memory card and press OK" comes up on the display.
4. Pull the card out and select "OK." You can now discard the phone.
5. Open the cover of the memory card slot on the new phone.
6. Insert the card. Make sure the contact area faces the right way. On the Nokia 5800 Xpress Music Phone it is facing up. Push the card in and if you have the card the right way round you will hear a click. Don't force anything if you don't hear a click, just try a alternate way up.
7. Close the cover and using the application on the new phone play the music file or view the image that's on the card.
Tags: memory card, card slot, card slot phone, card will, cover memory, cover memory card, hear click