Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Open A Chat Line

Open a Chat Line

A chat line business can meet diverse communication needs in both local and global communities, whether online, telephone, or mobile apps. The core function of a chat line is to offer a live audio/visual communication forum for groups of two or more end-users. A chat line business can be developed to service an assortment of professional and personal interests-from business webinar conferences and workshops to the traditional singles chat line or web-based romance social networking sites. While telephone chat lines still exist, most chat line business development is in the area of website and mobile app-based chat lines.


Starting an on-line chat line business

1. Develop a theme or user-function for the chat line. Examples are a "regional romance" theme for a singles-based chat line marketed to Chicagoans or a web-based business meeting chat line.

2. Design an original chat line website or mobile application. This is the more costly route as an original website code must be developed by a professional webmaster. Customizations can include chat line audio/visual/text transmitting options, member profiles and page design options, mailbox storage features, email or text notifications, and member-to-member searches. For romance-based chat lines, an essential function is the "add" and "remove" function from friends lists.

3. Design the chat line business through a chat line hosting website such as Custom Chat Line. While these chat line hosting services require no special software or code development or hardware costs, they have fewer options for customizing the chat line business functions and designs.

4. Monetize the chat line business. Income from the chat line can come from shared income models with chat line hosting companies based on page views or advertisement clicks. Business income can also come from charging for membership to the chat line website.

5. Set up an online payment processing system for membership charges or develop an advertisement-based profit system. The ad-based income system can be developed in-house or by using ad services such as Google Adsense. Online payment processing functions can be created by a webmaster under the original chat line web-site model.

6. Perform a systems risk analysis before going live with the chat line service. Secure or develop security systems that will ensure that database privacy is properly in place and to cover as much additional risk to business operations as possible. This may mean obtaining business liability insurance.

7. Promote, advertise, and market the chat line. Search for prospective chat line members through targeted advertisements to online, television, radio, and print mediums. Free advertisements can be developed from sites such as Craigslist.com.

Tags: chat line, chat line, chat line business, line business, chat line hosting, chat lines