Monday, 15 June 2015

Transfer Numbers To The Sim Card On A Nokia Phone

Transfer your contacts to your SIM card easily.

When changing cell phones, it can be inconvenient and time-consuming to enter contacts manually. One of the nice features of a SIM card is that you can store your contacts on it and transfer it to your new cell phone. The Nokia phone allows you to transfer your numbers easily from your cell phone to your SIM card in a few simple steps.


1. Click on the Menu option.

2. Scroll down and select the "Move contacts" option.

3. Select the "From phone to SmartChip" or "From phone to SIM" option.

4. Select "Yes" when a message appears that says "Move contacts?"

5. Select "OK" after the cell phone completes the process of moving your contacts from your cell phone memory to your SmartChip or SIM memory and tells you how many contacts were transferred. At this point, you will no longer have your contacts on your cell phone. When you look up contact numbers, your cell phone will go to your SIM card to find the information.

6. Exit to your main screen when completed.

Tags: cell phone, your cell, your cell phone, your contacts, your card, contacts your, From phone