When buying a new television, it's tempting to get the biggest one that you can afford. Salespeople pounce and throw around enough impressive terms to make your eyes glaze over. Before you hand over your credit card, you might want to make sure that the new television will actually be a good fit for your needs. You don't want a television so large that you can't enjoy it.
1. Measure the room. Find the distance from where you will sit to where the television will be placed. Round up to the next whole foot. Even if the distance is 9 feet and 2 inches, go to 10 feet.
2. Now multiply your distance times four for a general guide to the proper screen size. With the example above, a 10-foot viewing distance makes a 40" screen optimal. Understand that this is a guideline, so a little larger or smaller is OK.
3. Make sure you can bring your new television home. If you are picking it up in person, make sure the television you select will fit into your car for transport home. If not, you can usually schedule delivery, but that will typically cost more. Shopping online will eliminate this issue. For a quick calculator, see the reference link below.
Tags: make sure, television will