Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Improve The Reception On Vodafone 3g Broadband

Using your cell phone service provider to access 3G broadband is an excellent way of taking advantage of your laptop's connectivity. Vodafone, the world's largest cellular phone operator as of November 2010, offers a range of 3G packages to suit most budgets and needs for customers in Britain. But there are areas that do not have the best coverage, whether because of the cellular phone mast or obstructions in the surrounding area.


1. Open your web browser and visit Vodafone's UK coverage map. Tap in your postcode or place name and hit the "Check Coverage" button. You will be presented with a map that shows the coverage for that area. You may find that the area you are in only has variable coverage. If you can move, relocate in a higher-coverage area.

2. Use a clip aerial from Vodafone or another cellular phone outlet. This clips onto the side of your laptop or can be placed on your desk. These usually can then be plugged straight into your 3G broadband dongle.

3. Use a high-gain 3G directional aerial from Vodafone or other cellular phone outlet. The high-gain aerial is directional, and thus needs to be pointed toward the nearest cellular phone mast. To find one, simply rotate the aerial until you see the maximum signal coverage on the bar readout.

Tags: cellular phone, aerial from, aerial from Vodafone, cellular phone mast, cellular phone outlet, from Vodafone, phone mast