Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Replace A Power Window Motor & Regulator

You will need to remove the door panel to access the power window motor and regulator.

Power windows have four components: the switch, the motor, the regulator and the window-support. The motor provides the power which is channeled through the regulator to move the window up or down according to the position of the switch. If the motor or regulator fails the window will not move, or will move slowly. Find the motor and regulator that match your car's make and model exactly so it will fit correctly inside the door.


1. Remove the window switch. Each car is slightly different, so use care and consult your car repair manual if necessary. Pry the cover off the switch mount off using gentle, even pressure. It may be screwed in place, so don't force it. Locate any screws or bolts that hold the switch in place and remove them. Unplug the switch by pinching the plastic connector and wiggling it free.

2. Pry off the separate plastic panels on the door. You know they can be pried off if you can see the plastic all the way around with no mounting screws or screw covers. Look for circular plastic pieces that cover mounting screws or bolts. Remove all the mounting screws or bolts and lift off the door panel.

3. Pull out the door insulation. This can be laid on the door panel so you know reinstall it later. Be careful to not rip or damage the insulation during removal.

4. Tape the window in place with masking tape so that it doesn't slide down while you're working. Remove the mounting bolt for the motor and unplug the motor from the electrical system. Press the tabs on the plastic plug and wiggle the plug free to disconnect the motor.

5. Remove the mounting bolt for the regulator rail and remove the window regulator. Disconnect the motor cable from the window regulator. Note the position and orientation of the regulator so you can install the replacement correctly.

6. Mount the new regulator in the door. Tighten the bolt. Reconnect the motor cable. Mount the motor and tighten the mounting bolt. Remove the masking tape. Plug in the switch and turn the key in the ignition to the "On" position (do not turn the engine on). Test the motor with the switch. The window may have settled in the tracks, nudge the window as necessary to align it correctly as it moves up and down.

7. Remove the switch. Replace the insulation. Make sure you still have free access to the bolt-holes for mounting the door panel. Replace the door panel and tighten the bolts. Plug the switch back in and replace the plastic covers that you pried off. Use gentle, even pressure to pop the plastic pieces back in place.

Tags: door panel, motor regulator, mounting bolt, mounting screws, Remove mounting