BellSouth is a telecommunications company acquired by AT&T in 2006. The company offers many services including home telephone service, cellular telephone service and broadband Internet service. BellSouth Internet subscribers have free email addresses with the suffix "" Since the acquisition, BellSouth email was routed through AT&T's Web email service, powered by Yahoo. If you have or had a BellSouth email address and are unsure if it is still active, attempt to log into your email account using your BellSouth email address from the AT&T Web email website. If the email address is still active, you will be able to log in.
1. Navigate to the AT&T Web email log in page (see Resources).
2. Click "Mail" icon that looks like an envelope, found at the top-right of the page.
3. Enter your email address, including the "" suffix, in the Email field. For example, enter ""
4. Insert your password in the Password" field. If you do not know the password, click "Forgot Password" to retrieve it. To retrieve your password, you must know your member ID. If you are uncertain of your member ID, contact AT&T's customer service department.
5. Click "Sign In" to log into your email account. If the process is successful, the email address is valid.
Tags: email address, BellSouth email, your email, BellSouth email address, email account, into your