Make international phone calls through the Internet.
They typical phone call goes through a fiberoptic line, and when you're calling long distance, it comes with a high price tag. Recently, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has become a popular alternative. In VoIP, your voice is transmitted through the Internet cables rather than the telephone cables, making calls much cheaper. In fact, if you use a VoIP client to connect to someone in another country using the same client, you won't have to pay a dime.
1. Choose a VoIP company. Some of the most popular are Skype, Yahoo! Voice and Vonage. While computer-to-computer calls are usually free, you will have to pay when you call to a land line or a cell phone. These rates can vary from company to company, so compare the rates for the country that you will call most often.
2. Install the VoIP software client. Usually, you can download the file from the Internet, then run the .exe file if you own a PC or click on the .dmg file if you have a Mac. The Installation Wizard will walk you through the steps.
3. Look up the country code for the country that you are calling. Each country has its own country code. When you make your phone call, you'll have to start the number with this.
4. Follow the software's instructions to make a phone call. Usually, there will be a place to enter the full phone number, including the country code. You may have to precede the number with a symbol such as a "+" sign.
Tags: country code, phone call, country that, number with, through Internet