Monday, 27 July 2015

Unlock A Samsung Phone For Free

Unlock a Samsung phone with a code.

When you purchase a Samsung cellular phone from a service provider, the phone is locked to the provider's service. The phone cannot be used with a SIM card from another service provider. Instead of purchasing a new cell phone if you switch providers, it is possible to unlock the phone so a new SIM card from any company can be used. The service company can unlock your phone, for a fee, or you can enter an unlock code found online. No more buying expensive phones once you learn the simple technique to unlocking your Samsung phone for free.


1. Check one of the two Resource links below to find the unlock code for your Samsung cellular phone.

2. Turn off your phone.

3. Remove the SIM card from the back of the phone. The SIM card is usually located underneath the battery.

4. Turn the phone back on.

5. Enter in the code given for your specific phone model.

6. Wait for the phone to restart. This may take up to 15 seconds.

7. Turn the phone off again.

8. Insert a new SIM card.

9. Turn the phone on and test the SIM card by making a call.

Tags: card from, Turn phone, cellular phone, phone card, Samsung cellular, Samsung cellular phone, Samsung phone