Monday, 20 July 2015

Put Your Metro Pcs Phone On Silent Mode

Put any kind of Metro PCS phone on silent mode easily.

Metro PCS is a no-contract cellular phone company that provides users talk, text and data plans for low rates. While the company originally began in smaller regions, it has expanded across the country, and has added a variety of phones to its lineup, including basic phones, Blackberry phones and Android-powered devices. Though you have a choice of phone on the Metro PCS network, there are basic functions available on any Metro PCS phone, which include the ability to silence your ring tone.


1. Locate your phone's ring tone menu. You can access this by pressing the "Menu" key and selecting the ring tone icon.

2. Access the ring tone options by clicking the "Option" button on your phone. This will allow you to change your ring tone settings by selecting "Silent" from the options menu. Alternately, you may be able to select "Silent" from the ring tone menu directly.

3. Select "OK" if prompted or press the "Back" button to return to the menu page and save your settings. Have a friend call your phone to make sure it does not ring when called.

Tags: ring tone, your phone, Metro phone, ring tone menu, Silent from