Most network providers lock cell phones to prevent them from being used with a competing network. If you would like to unlock your Verizon cell phone to use with the Sprint network, you will need a PUK code, or "Phone Unlock Code," to unlock it. Sometimes you have to pay for these codes through a third-party unlock code provider. You will still need a new memory card from the new service provider in order to use the phone with its network.
1. Get the International Mobile Equipment Identity Number of your Verizon phone. You will need this number to unlock your phone. You can obtain this number by typing in "*#06#" on the phone's key pad. The IMEI will appear on the phone's screen shortly after entering the sequence.
2. Contact the Verizon Wireless customer service at 1-800-922-0204. Request that the representative unlock the phone or provide you with a code to do so. Provide the representative with the IMEI number. If the representative declines to give you an unlock code, you will most likely need to pay for the code through a third-party code unlock service provider.
3. Locate a website that provides unlock codes for a fee such as Wireless Unlocking, Unlock to Talk and The Unlock Shack. (See Resources.) Provide the website with the brand, model and IMEI number of the cell phone. You may also need to provide it with your phone carrier and country of service. Give the website your email address and follow the directions to have the unlock code emailed to you.
4. Power off the cell phone and pull off the battery cover from the back of the phone. Slide out the battery and pull out the SIM card. Push the battery back in and slide the battery cover back into place. Turn the power off on the phone and slide off the battery cover from the back. Log into your email and follow the unlock code provider's instructions on unlock your phone with the code.
5. Call Sprint's customer service department at 1-888-211-4727 and ask to speak with a representative. Explain to the representative that you would like to establish an account and activate an unlocked phone on the Sprint network. You may need to provide the representative with personal information such as your name, billing address and Social Security number. Sprint will most likely provide you with a new memory card in order to use the Verizon phone with its network.
Tags: phone with, unlock code, battery cover, cell phone, provide with, unlock your, your phone