Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Recover Deleted Files From A Cell Phone

Most newer cell phones come equipped with external memory cards used to store music and photos, among other things. While these memory cards are usually quite good at storing these files, occasionally files are lost. Luckily, they don't have to be permanently lost, provided you act quickly to recover the files using a free data recovery program.


1. Download Pandora File Recovery (see Resources for link). Save it to your desktop.

2. Install Pandora by double-clicking the install file on your Desktop. Click "Next" to start the install process and "Finish" once it has completed.

3. Remove your SD memory card from your phone. If you are unsure where it is located or remove it safely, consult your cell phone's manual.

4. Insert the SD memory card into your computer's SD memory reader slot.

5. Open Pandora by going to "Start > Programs > Pandora Data Recovery".

6. Click the "Browse" tab within Pandora. Scroll down through the list and select the computer drive with your SD memory card.

7. Click the "+" icon to access folders within your SD memory card. When you find something you want to recover, right-click the file and click "recover" to begin the recovery process.

8. Click "OK" to confirm you want to recover data. Data will now be recovered from your cell phone. Then exit Pandora by clicking the red "X" icon at the top right of the screen.

Tags: memory card, your memory, your memory card, from your, memory cards, want recover, your cell