You can tether your Verizon Tour BlackBerry using VZ Access Manager.
Like all modern BlackBerry phones, the Verizon Tour can be used for tethering as a modem to connect a computer to the Internet. Using the phone as a modem will allow you to connect to the Internet in areas that do not have Wi-Fi. You can connect with either USB or Bluetooth, using the VZ Access Manager software. It is supplied on a disc that comes with the phone, or you can download the latest version from the Internet off the Verizon Wireless website.
1. Browse to the VZ Access Manager link in the Resources section on the computer you want to tether the phone with and click the "Download Now" button.
2. Scroll down to the "PDA / Advanced Devices" section and find the Tour on the list of BlackBerry devices. Click the link under your Windows operating system.
3. Click the "Download Now" button and save the file to your desktop. Run the file by double-clicking on it. The setup process will start automatically.
4. Follow the prompts for selecting your phone and the type of connection you wish to use, either USB or Bluetooth.
5. Connect using the "Connect WWAN" button once the setup is finished to connect the computer to the Internet.
Tags: Access Manager, Verizon Tour, computer Internet, connect computer, connect computer Internet, Download button, either Bluetooth