Thursday, 19 March 2015

Change The Time On A Samsung Phone

Although time is changed automatically when connected with a digital signal, many phones are capable of operating on an analog signal as well as digital. If the phone is in an analog coverage area, there are steps to manually change the time on the phone, as well as ways to update the time on a digital network.


Changing the Time in an Analog Signal

1. Open the menu. Enter the menu by either pressing the soft buttons for menu, or usually pressing the "OK" or center button of the directional pad.

2. Choose the option that says, "Settings" or something that is closely related to that; it may also say "Phone Settings."

3. Scroll down to the option "Phone Settings."

4. Scroll down and select "Time and Date." Choosing this option will take you to the time setting page where you can change the clock settings.

5. Change the clock settings by typing in the numbers, or by using the scroll keys to determine the correct time. When this is accomplished select the "OK" option by pushing the "OK" button or by the center key.

Updating the Time in a Digital Signal

6. Turn the phone off. The fastest and easiest way to update the time when you are receiving and digital signal is just to turn the phone off. This will disconnect the phone from all cell towers.

7. Turn the phone back on. When the phone is turned back on, it will connect to the nearest local tower and refresh the settings including the time. This method is especially helpful when traveling across time zones.

8. Adjust the "Network" feature if available. Some phones have features in the settings to connect to another network, or renew the license for the network that it is currently attached to. If the phone has this setting, it can be used in place of turning the phone off and back on.

Tags: clock settings, phone back, Phone Settings, Phone Settings Scroll, Scroll down, Settings Scroll