Friday, 27 March 2015

Turn Your Treo Pro Into A Wireless Internet Hotspot

A PDA is a phone that handles computer and business applications. Treos are PDAs, smartphones, and Palm Pilots.

The latest version of the Treo is a phone that is also a PDA or smartphone. Smartphones and PDAs are devices that people use to search the Internet, keep track of business schedules, and handle all aspects of business applications. These different applications are what makes smartphones and PDAs different from regular cell phones that just make calls and send text messages. To make your Treo into a wireless hotspot, your phone needs to be a Treo Pro, and to be added to a WiFi hotspot, WiFi capabilities must be downloaded to the smartphone as well.


1. Access the File Guru website online. (See Reference 1.) File Guru is not a product! The File Guru website is just a site that showcases WiFi downloading products. This site features "Antamedia Hotspot" software. Since your Treo can go online, you want to perform these steps on your phone, not a computer. Other products that offer these services are "WalkingHotSpot" (See Reference 3) and "HTC WiFi Router." (See Reference 4.) All of these products require visiting the site with your phone and performing the download with your phone. They make your phone a walking "Hot Spot." (See Tips.)

2. Search "Turn Treo Pro Into Hotspot" on the site.

3. Click "Download" located on the top right of the page. You will be taken to a new page.

4. Click "Download (7.40 MB)" located in the top right of the page. A new page will open up.

5. Click "Run." (See Reference 2.)

Tags: your phone, File Guru, business applications, Click Download, Click Download located