Fixing a power window isn't complicated, claims Popular Mechanics. Most fixes, however, require the removal of door panels for access to the power window mechanism.
Both Windows Not Working
A blown fuse is the likely culprit if both windows quit working, says Popular Mechanics. Check the owner's manual for help locating the fuse box and the fuse associated with the power window. It's also possible the power window relay is bad.
Windows Moving Slowly
According to Popular Mechanics, the window mechanism is easily misaligned because of the constant friction with the window glass, causing the windows to move slowly. Try lubricating the tracks of the mechanism to decrease friction. If the window still moves slowly, check the voltage of the window motor at the plug while activating the power window button.
Only One Window Not Working
The website claims the most common culprit if only one window isn't working is a bad switch. Test each switch with a meter while the ignition is on. Wiring may also cause one power window to stop working, which can be tested by visual inspection or replacement of wires.
Tags: power window, Popular Mechanics, window mechanism, Window Working