Thursday, 2 April 2015

Get Your Sis Engineering Certification

Automated workplaces require safety regulators.

Those whose jobs heavily involve automated equipment face on-the-job safety challenges. Automated machines require that people who know deal with accidents and machine malfunctions are present at all times in case of an emergency. To meet this need, the nonprofit International Society of Automation has developed Safety Instrumented Systems Certificate Programs designed to train people to comply with safety standards set by the automation industry.


1. Get two years of technical school education and two years of on-the-job experience in process automation. Although these are not required to get an SIS certification, the ASI highly recommends them to be ready for the information presented during training.

2. Take the four-day, instructor-led intensive Safety Instrumented Systems: Design, Analysis, and Justification course. An eight-week, instructor-assisted version of the course is offered online. Either satisfies the requirement for SIS training.

3. Pass the ISA84 SIS Fundamentals Specialist exam, which draws upon material from the training course and experience working in the automation industry. Those who pass the exam receive SIS Fundamentals Specialist certification.

4. Take higher-level SIS certification exams such as the ISA84 SIL Selection Specialist and the ISA84 SIL Verification Specialist, each of which requires five years of specialized on-the-job experience in automation. Safety professionals who complete all three levels are designated ISA84 SIS experts.

Tags: automation industry, Fundamentals Specialist, Instrumented Systems, on-the-job experience, Safety Instrumented