SD and MMC memory cards are both used to save data in a wide range of consumer electronics, including MP3 players, cell phones, digital cameras, camcorders and laptop computers. While MMC and SD cards are very similar cards, with a similar size and use, there are a variety of differences between the two types of memory that make them unique.
Both SD and MMC memory cards measure 32 x 24mm and weigh 1.5g. MMC cards, however, are only 1.4mm thick, whereas SD cards are a slightly thicker 2.1mm. Despite the small size difference, MMC and SD cards will fit in and can be read by the same slot in electronic devices.
Both SD and MMC memory cards are used to save data on portable electronic devices, such as cell phones, MP3 players, digital cameras and camcorders. Any device that can use one type card is also compatible with the other.
Transfer Rate
The biggest advantage of SD cards over MMC cards is the transfer rate of the cards. An MMC card can transfer data at 2.5MB per second, whereas an SD card can quadruple that and transfer data at 10MB per second.
There is only one type of MMC card on the market; however, there are a variety of different types of SD cards available. SD cards come in a micro version to fit in exceptionally small electronics, such as cell phones, as well as a high-capacity version (SDHC) that is used in devices such as camcorders and digital cameras, which need to store a great deal of data.
MMC cards are available in capacities ranging from a few MB up to 32GB. A standard SD card is available only in sizes up to 4GB; however, high-capacity SD cards can offer storage sizes ranging up to 32GB. SD Extended Capacity cards (SDXC) can hold up to 2TB.
Tags: cell phones, digital cameras, memory cards, Both memory, Both memory cards