Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Become A Nokia Priority Dealer

Become a Nokia Priority dealer to profitbably distribute Nokia products.

In much of the world, Nokia distributes its phones not through its own stores but through Priority Dealers. The Priority Dealer model is especially popular in South Asia. These dealers have the advantage of obtaining phones at the wholesale price -- ahead of any resellers. To become a Priority Dealer, you must make certain assurances to the company based on your local market.


1. Contact a Nokia distribution representative in your local market. The contact information is posted on the company's local website.

2. Raise the capital collateral necessary to become a Priority Dealer. Nokia will want you to prove that you have the financial wherewithal to be a strong distributor. The capital requirements vary, based on the location.

3. Provide your background and experience. A history of successfully running electronics or cellphone distribution shops is preferred to become a Priority Dealer.

4. Establish a location by signing a leasing, cleaning the shop and organizing the display area. When you become a Priority Dealer, you can hire staff, order supplies and obtain Nokia signage.

5. Sign the Priority Dealer contract with Nokia, and begin marketing and selling the phones.

Tags: Priority Dealer, become Priority, become Priority Dealer, your local market, Become Nokia, Become Nokia Priority