Thursday, 5 November 2015

Find A Serial Number On My Mobile Home

Find a Serial Number on My Mobile Home

Every transportable section of a mobile home built after June 15, 1976, has a serial number imprinted on it, according to the Institute for Building Technology and Safety. If your mobile home has been built since then, chances are it will be easy to find the serial number inside or outside your mobile home. In the event that you are looking for a replacement label to certify the home section was built according to Department of Housing regulations, you need the manufactured home serial number to obtain the replacement. Does this Spark an idea?


Serial Numbers on the Outside

1. Locate a large set of white numbers on one of the beams of a section of your mobile home. This number represents part of the serial number but not the whole thing.

2. Look for a small stamped serial number on the same side of the beam as the big white letters. According to the Institute for Building Technology and Safety, the serial number can be alphanumeric and at least 3/8 inch in height, and should be found stamped into the foremost sections of the beams of your mobile home.

3. Make note of the serial number on the stamp for future reference. Keep this note in a safe place where you'll remember to look for it should you need to refer back to it for home repairs or certificate replacements.

Serial Numbers on the Inside

4. Locate the data plate inside your mobile home. Depending on where it was placed during construction, it might be found inside the door of the utility closet, electrical panel, cabinet door, master bedroom closet or other permanent location.

Unlike the small stamp imprint of the serial number on the outside, the data plate should be easier to find--it's about the size as a sheet of paper.

5. Look for the serial number and any other certification and building information you might need on the data plate.

6. Write down the serial number for future reference and store it in a safe place if the data plate does not provide easy enough access.

Tags: serial number, your mobile home, mobile home, your mobile, data plate, serial number