Thursday, 19 November 2015

Make Phone Calls Private

The right key sequence will block your number from Caller ID.

Caller ID displays the phone number of an incoming call, allowing phone owners to screen phone calls. A private phone call is an incoming call with a phone number that is invisible to the Caller ID feature, typically because it is blocked by the caller or it is from an unlisted subscriber. Blocked or unlisted phone numbers appear as "Unknown" to Caller ID systems or display a dummy number (000-000-0000) and your phone calls are considered private. Call blocking is done on a per call basis. To make calls from an unlisted phone number, you must subscribe to that service.


Call Blocking

1. Dial the Caller ID blocking code. On the phone keypad, dial *-67. This informs the phone network to mask your phone number from Caller ID systems.

2. Dial the 10-digit phone number you wish to call, immediately following the Caller ID blocking code. For example, the sequence of numbers is *-67-1- 212-555-1234.

3. Connect to the dialed phone number. Landline phones will begin connecting after the last number is dialed. On cell phones, you must press the "Send call" button, typically green, on your handset.

Unlisted Phone Number

4. Obtain your phone service provider's customer service number. This number is printed on your most recent phone bill.

5. Subscribe to an unlisted phone number service. At your request, your phone service provider will add your number to a private database, which prevents it from being seen by Caller ID systems and other public databases, such as the one used to populate the White Pages phone book.

6. Verify your number is unlisted. Review a phone book printed after subscribing your number as unlisted to confirm that it does not appear in the public listing. Alternately, you can call a friend and ask if your number appears on her Caller ID.

Tags: phone number, your number, your phone, Caller systems, blocking code, Caller blocking