A malfunctioning power window can be a major inconvenience in inclement weather.
Automobile power windows are a convenience that few motorists think about until a window stops working or leaks develop around a window's edges. While replacing a power window motor or having electrical work done to return a window to working order can be expensive, some simple power window problems can be found and repaired by the vehicle owner.
Check the car's power window fuse. If all of a vehicle's power windows stop working, the problem may be the result of a blown fuse. Many power window fuses are sized to support the windows when they are functioning at an optimal level, and if a window channels become sticky, the fuse may fail due to added strain on the electrical system. To check whether a power window fuse is broken, turn the car's ignition key to the "Run" position and try to operate a power window. If the fuse is intact, the window glass will quiver and you will hear the power window motor. If a fuse is broken, you will not hear the power window motor and the glass will not move at all. If this is the case, check the owner's manual to locate the car's power window fuse so you can replace it.
Electrical System
Trace the electrical system leading to the power window. To thoroughly inspect the electrical system, you will need a 12 volt test light or voltmeter. Begin at the fuse panel and trace the wiring up to the power window switch, testing to make sure the wiring is carrying 12 volts at all times. If you find a section of wiring that does not carry 12 volts, a malfunctioning breaker or loose connection in that area will be the culprit. Replace the breaker or reconnect the wiring to restore the window to functionality.
If a power window is leaking, a window gasket is likely the cause. Torn or misplaced gaskets can also slow down power windows and ultimately cause them to fail. Inspect the gaskets around the window and repair loose or misplaced gaskets with special adhesives, which can be found in most auto parts stores. Adhesives may also be used to repair torn gaskets, but damaged gaskets sometimes require replacement.
Tags: power window, power window fuse, window fuse, power window motor, power windows, window motor, around window