Dead hang pull ups are a strengthening exercise for the arms. Dead hang pull ups can be performed by both men and women. You should practice pull ups regularly in order to master this exercise. Dead hand pull ups are more easily performed by those who are at a healthy weight and are physically fit.
1. Test the stability of the bar you are using for the dead hang pull ups. Test your weight on the bar, especially when you are using a portable bar that is secured in a door jam.
2. Place both of your hands on the bar with your palms facing forward, like you are holding onto bicycle handles. Grip the bar with or without your thumbs, depending on which position is the most comfortable.
3. Put all of your weight on your arms by lifting your feet off of the ground and bending your knees at a 90 degree angle. Keep your body as still as possible and do not swing.
4. Lift your body with the strength in your arms. Pull yourself upwards until your chin is just above the bar. Hold this position for a few seconds.
5. Lower your body, being careful not to hit your chin on the bar. Repeat the dead hang pull up once your arms have become fully extended or straighten your legs and release the burden from your arms.
6. Practice dead hang pull ups at least three times a week. Try to add one additional repetition every one to two weeks.
Tags: hang pull, your arms, dead hang, your body, your chin, your weight